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A Stronger Version Of ME

I don't know from where to start Or what to say... You were the one I wanted forever to stay.. You used to make me smile.. With you I dreamed to live a fairy tale life.. You promised that you will always stay by my side.. I believed you..blindly I was in love with you..wholeheartedly Had you said, I would've given up everything But.. you decided to leave.. Without giving me a reason.. You always said you couldn't see tears in my eyes So had you closed your eyes when you left me in tears? With your silent departure, my smiles too left me.. Tears, sobs and memories are the one who accompany me.. What was my mistake I asked to God in pain.. No reply came.. my all prayers went in vain.. Days turned to months and months to years.. I endured the pain I never deserved to bear.. You never cared to come and see how I am.. Expecting you to come and hug me was lame.. Slowly and steadily I learnt to live without you.. Scars were too many, smiles were few.. I mad
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A Star Studded Night

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Coffee Break Turned Into Coffee Date

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No I don't love you anymore!

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The Fault Is In Our Stars ⭐

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